Camille Eide, of Sandy, was on the cover of the March issue of Hoodview News, which goes to 16,000 homes in her area. See the full issue at: The feature story about her and her writing career starts on page 4. (It takes a few minutes to load since it is the full issue.) She was grateful for the opportunity to share what the Lord has done in her life.

Camille’s latest contemporary Christian fiction title, The Secret Place, releases from WhiteFire Publishing on April 15. The landing page for details: 

Two related events: 1) author Q&A book chat on Friday, April 23 via Zoom. Contact Camille to sign up at [email protected] and 2) a book signing on May 1 from 10 a.m. until noon at Sandy Assembly of God, 39800 Hwy 26, Sandy OR 97055. A limited number of copies will be available at the signing.

Charles Harrel, of Portland, has two weeks of devotionals appearing in the spring 2021 edition of God’s Word for Today. His story “On That Day” will be in LIVE on Pentecost Sunday, May 23.

Tracie Heskett, of Vancouver, Washington, contributed a chapter to Writing & Selling Children’s Books in the Christian Market from Board Books to YA by Michelle Medlock Adams and Cyle Young. Here’s the beginning of the description on Amazon: “So you want to write a children’s book? Not just any children’s book. You want it to be tailored to the Christian market so it has kingdom significance . . .” There is also information on how to boost sales of already-written books for children.

Geneva Iijima, of Oregon City, reports that LIVE is reprinting a story of hers that they published a number of years ago. “The Ancient Boundaries of Fukushima” will appear in this fall’s edition.

Susan Maas, of Gresham, has a devotional in the spring issue of The Secret Place.

Jennifer Anne F. Messing, of Portland, received a royalty statement showing several paperback and e-book sales of her three titles currently in print. An author she mentored at the OCW 2020 Virtual Summer Conference bought a copy of her book, Everlasting Love: Romantic Vignettes for a Woman’s Heart, and left this review on Amazon: “This book is an absolute delight! Jennifer Anne Messing captures the heart of all ages, reminding us that where matters of the heart are concerned, nothing is impossible. Short stories and poetry come together seamlessly to create a wonderful break from life and hope for the future. It’s also a great gift idea, so I have ordered a few more.” Her books can be ordered at 

Lynn Shortman, of Gearhart, announces that her children’s book, Evod and the Children of the Star, launched the week of March 22 in both ebook and print and is available on Amazon. Her publisher is Jurnee Books (an imprint of Winged Publications), and she writes under the pen name of Laya Brandt.

The following members had articles in both the March and April editions of The Christian Journal: Susan Brehmer, of Portland; Jean Davies, of North Bend; Jon Drury, of Vancouver, Washington; LGayle Gustafson, of Portland; Linda L. Kruschke, of Lake Oswego; Maxine Marsolini, of Happy Valley; and Shirley Mozena, of Vancouver, Washington.

Grace Huang, of Camas, Washington, had an article in the March edition, and Jan Sheerin, of Bend, had an article in the April edition.