Looking for a great place to connect with other writers? Want to hone your craft? Want to be encouraged in your career and ministry? Look no further! Join us for one of our conferences or events throughout the year.

Paid Members Only Events ~ In addition to the events below which are open to all, we have member-only events including our monthly Members Circle’s where we offer short teachings from industry professionals with plenty of QA and interaction. For information on these member-only events, view your members-only newsletter or the members-only facebook page.

Find out how to join CCW so you can be part of the special members-only events.



October 12, 2024One Day Conference at Rolling Hills Community Church (Tualatin, OR) with Keynote Speaker, Cyntha Ruchti.

March 8, 2025 – One Day Conference at Peoples Church (Salem, OR) with Keynote Speaker, Melanie Dobson.