God Expects!: What Our Creator God Expects of His Creation!

God Expects!: What Our Creator God Expects of His Creation!

Author: Dan Wagner
Genre: Inspirational & Personal Growth
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With God’s proclamation of “Let there be light” He began His creation of the world we live in and everything else. God, as creator, has a plan for His creation. He as a Prime Assumption of all He does that guides all He is and has done. This Prime Assumption can be stated like this:

God created all
therefore, all creation is His
with creation comes expectations
with expectations come responsibility
with responsibility comes accountability
with accountability comes consequences
therefore, we must learn
what it is our Creator God expects of us
and live accordingly.

What is it then that God expects of His creation? Has He made those expectations known to His creation? How are we to live up to those expectations? Do they apply to us as individuals or to the church as a whole?

Discover the beginning of God’s expectations and see our responsibility, accountability and the consequences both individually for us and corporately for the church.
How then should we be living?

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