
Seven Ways to Stifle Your Unique Writer’s Voice (What Not to Do)


by Becky Wade

1) Let every critique you receive sway you. Ever hear that “too many cooks spoil the broth”? Sometimes it’s better to whip up something all by yourself that you absolutely LOVE than let lots of “adviser cooks” taste your

Seven Ways to Stifle Your Unique Writer’s Voice (What Not to Do)2024-07-10T13:39:57-07:00

Every Writer’s #1 Requirement: Love Your Reader


by Matt Mikalatos

We spend a lot of time talking about the skills needed to be a writer and precious little talking about the character and heart writing requires.

Yes, writing is rewriting, and one must learn all the rules about commas,

Every Writer’s #1 Requirement: Love Your Reader2024-07-10T13:42:00-07:00
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