Are you a member of Oregon Christian Writers? Do you have publishing news to share? Please contact our business manager at [email protected] and let them know!

Denise Arzoian, of Oregon City, has an article in the April edition of Purpose.

Donna Gurr, of Lincoln City, has an article, “One with the Persecuted Church,” scheduled for publication in the summer 2020 issue of The Breakthrough Intercessor Magazine.

Heidi Gaul, of Albany, signed a contract on February 20th to contribute to another devotional book with Guideposts: Mornings with Jesus – 2022. Per Heidi: “This is the second devotional book they’ve contracted me for this year, my sixth book with them altogether.”

Lynn Hare, of Portland, has a devotional in the spring issue of The Secret Place.

Tracie Heskett, of Vancouver, wrote an adult Sunday school lesson for David C Cook and is contracted to write two more. She also wrote one chapter in Michelle Medlock’s book, Writing and Selling Christian Children’s Books—from board books to YA, which is scheduled for release by New Hope Publishers in November 2020.

Geneva Iijima, of Oregon City, wrote six of the devotionals the December–February issue of God’s Word for Today, a daily devotional magazine.

Charlotte Kardokus, of Salem, has a story in the March 22 edition of issue of LIVE. The title is “God, the Provider.”

Yvonne Kays, of Bend, has a poem, “Metamorphosis,” in the March/April issue of Bible Advocate. Her story about their family’s difficult adoption saga, “Message to the Heart,” is in the March issue of Now What? Link is

Linda Kruschke, of Lake Oswego, started a weekly poetry prompt on her blog at It is posted every Friday morning and all are welcome to join the fun.

Christina Suzann Nelson, of Corvallis, launched her latest title, More Than We Remember, published by Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing, on February 18 with a book-signing event.

Rebecca Stuhlmiller, of Federal Way, Washington, has contracted with The Quiet Hour to write seven devotionals for them. She will also be teaching a “Redesign Your Home Life” workshop at the Northwest Ministry Conference in Bellevue, Washington on March 20.

Each of these eight members has a column in the February issue of The Christian Journal: Susan Brehmer, of Portland; Jean Davies, of North Bend; LGayle Gustafson, of Portland; Grace Huang and Suzanne Koonce, of Camas, Washington; Linda Kruschke, of Lake Oswego; Maxine Marsolini, of Happy Valley; and Jan Sheerin, of Bend.

Jon Drury, of Vancouver, Washington, and Sue Miholer, of Keizer, each has six devotionals in the spring edition of God’s Word for Today: